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New Toy Shure SRH840

文章發表於 : 週四 1月 06, 2011 10:39 pm
I have read many good comments about the Shure SRH840. Thanks for the brothers here. Tonite I have bought it and immediately listened to it using my iPod touch 2nd generation. Very surprised! It sounds good even in new condition. High is a bit tight but overall already pleasing sound. Separation is good and clear. Very clean sound indeed. Can hear details very easily!

I once thought the weight is a bit heavy but surprisingly it is not heavy at all (maybe my head size is small). I think Shure has done a good job, the weight distribution of the HP is good. I can wear it for more than hour without feeling any pain (Train took me about an hour to home) . Also, it is not tight at all. The side pressure is fine wiht me. My Philips SHL9600 has made my ears painful because it is a bit tight though it is light weight.

I am listening using my dac-amp (china made) now. It is very joyful to listen to it. First impression, it's sound is different from Philips (I have SHP895, 8500, 8900, 9000) and Goldring DR150.